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CRY4 / Cryptochrome 4 is believed to be a crucial protein involved in magentoreception, a function that allows birds to visualize magnetic fields.
"CRY 4 / The migratory patterns of birds that fly over Portugal" is a project that, on the one hand, presents the routes that birds take during their migrations, with mainland Portugal as their point of arrival, and, on the other hand, also aims to present these birds morphologically. Within this theme, the aim is to explore the duality of departure/arrival, in this case the entire process that birds go through to ensure their survival and reproduction.
The main reason for this project arises from a curiosity about the destinations of these birds, in particular their points of departure and their points of arrival, their wintering destinations and their summer destinations, where wintering destinations are represented by countries to which these birds travel to protect themselves from winter and summer destinations are countries to which these birds travel in the warm seasons of the year, when they breed.